Monday – July 17, 2006
The meeting was held at Borough Hall, Helmetta , NJ and called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Harry Jones, Janet Stubbs, Debbie Milden, Dianda Bender, Ron Williamson and Iffat Ali.
Access Property Management:
Larry Makfinsky, Association Manager
Janet Stubbs submitted her resignation from the Board of Trustees effective at the conclusion of this meeting.
MOTION: Janet Stubbs motioned to appoint Debra Milden, 1712 Tanglewood Court , to fill the vacancy on the Board of Trustees. Ron Williamson 2nd. Motion carried 4:0. Iffy Ali was not present at the time of this motion.
Homeowners Present: Mary McEntegart, 2301 Candlelight Court , attended the meeting to address the Board regarding the status of an insurance claim in which damage to the interior of her unit occurred as a result of a broken pipe within the wall. The unit owner is looking to be reimbursed by the Association for all damages sustained. The Board responded by stating that the incident was documented and forwarded to the Association’s insurance carrier, but did agree by a motion made by Janet Stubbs and seconded by Ron Williamson, to pay an $874.50 plumbing invoice for the repair of the damaged common pipe. Reimbursement for damages to the interior of the unit will be left up to the insurance companies.
Wilkin & Guttenplan, P.C.
Jules Frankel, CPA, MBA
Jules Frankel presented the draft of the 2005 year-end financial audit offering a clean opinion that the financial statements had been fairly presented throughout the fiscal year.
MOTION: Harry Jones motioned to approve the draft of the 2005 financial audit. Janet Stubbs 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.
MOTION: Ron Williamson motioned to accept Wilkin & Guttenplan’s renewal agreement to perform the 2006 and 2007 financial audits at the cost of $3,600 per year. Dianda Bender 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.
Reading and Approval of Minutes: Dianda Bender motioned to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Harry Jones 2nd.
Financial Reports: Ron Williamson motioned to approve the monthly financial reports. Ron Williamson 2nd.
Old Business:
The Board agreed to table the carpet replacement in building 19 and to replace the carpet in another building to be determined at a later date.
At the Board’s request, a proposal to replace the perimeter fencing with a gray vinyl fence had been solicited. No decision regarding fence replacement was made at this time.
New Business:
Reasonable Rate landscaping submitted a proposal to replace shrubs and install mulch throughout the community. The Board requested additional proposals before rendering a decision.
The Board reviewed proposals to modify the existing concrete ramp/walkway in front of building 16. Four proposals had been submitted ranging from $12,200 to $14,000.
MOTION: Dianda Bender motioned to accept Rizzo Contracting’s proposal to replace the concrete ramp at the cost of $12,200. Iffy Ali 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.
It was noted that no monthly inspection reports had been submitted by John Caputo since the last meeting. The Board requested that management direct John to submit inspection reports that include the specific date(s) that he inspected each building and to remind him that the reports are expected monthly.
The Board requested that John Caputo inspect the exterior dryer/exhaust vent covers and submit a list of those that need to be replaced. The Board discussed the possibility of mandating owners to replace damaged vent covers at the time that their vent cleaning is performed.
The Board requested that management provide an updated maintenance spread-sheet to include the buildings that had carpet replacements this year.
The Board noted that the current deductible on the Association’s insurance policy is $10,000 and requested additional insurance premium quotes with lower deductibles of $5,000 and $2,500.
The Board expressed some concerns regarding Reasonable Rate Landscaping’s recent performance and agreed that a meeting with the owners is necessary. In the event that RRL is unable to satisfy the Board’s concerns, proposals from alternative landscaping contractors have been requested and will be reviewed prior to renewing their contract.
It was again noted that children in building 19 are creating a disturbance and are leaving their bikes and toys on the common areas.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Larry Makfinsky, Association Manager click here to return to main page.
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