Monday – September 18, 2006
The meeting was held at Borough Hall, Helmetta, NJ and called to order at 7:45 p.m.
Board Members Present: Harry Jones, Debbie Milden, Dianda Bender, Ron Williamson and Iffat Ali.
Access Property Management:
Larry Makfinsky, Association Manager
Reading and Approval of Minutes: Iffy Ali motioned to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Debbie Milden 2nd.
Financial Reports: Harry Jones motioned to approve the monthly financial reports. Iffy Ali 2nd.
Old Business:
Reasonable Rate Landscaping submitted a proposal to replace shrubs and install mulch throughout the community. The Board requested additional proposals before rendering a decision. Two additional proposals were received and reviewed by the Board. The two combined proposals, shrub replacement and mulch, totaled $81,685.50. The Board agreed to spend only $80,000, $40,000 this fall and the other $40,000 next spring. This was agreeable to RRL and the proposal was accepted.
MOTION: Harry Jones motioned to accept Reasonable Rate Landscaping’s proposal for shrub replacements throughout the community. Dianda Bender 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.
MOTION: Harry Jones motioned to accept a proposal submitted by Reasonable Rate landscaping to construct a block wall to retain the soil along the new ramp in front of building 16 at the cost of $1200. Debbie Milden 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.
New Business:
Dianda Bender submitted a color sample of the Anderson replacement window and sliding door frame for the Board’s approval.
MOTION: Harry Jones motioned to approve the window frame color “terratone” by Anderson. Ron Williamson 2nd. Motion carried 5:0. The newly approved color will be accepted should the standard brown color frames be unavailable from certain replacement window manufacturers.
Reasonable Rate Landscaping submitted their renewal contract for the 2006/2007 snow removal season and the 2007 lawn maintenance and irrigation contracts for the Board’s acceptance. The Board noted two items that they would like omitted from the contract: specifically, item #2 of the irrigation contract that stated that the contract did not include any damaged sprinkler heads from lawnmowers, and item #1 under the special terms of the landscaping contract that stated that all tree work pertained only to trees less than 5” caliper and less than 10’ in height. The Board agreed to accept the contract with the amendments noted.
New Business: (continued)
Prior to this executive session, Harry Jones and Ron Williamson were re-elected to serve as officers on the Board of Trustees. As after every annual election, officer positions are re-organized as the Board sees fit.
MOTION: A motion was made by Ron Williamson, seconded by Iffy Ali and carried 5:0 to assign officer positions as follows:
President – Harry Jones, Vice President – Iffy Ali, Secretary – Ron Williamson, Treasurer – Dianda Bender and Trustee – Debra Milden.
The Board noted that the monthly inspection reports submitted by John Caputo were incomplete; for example, he failed to note any deficiencies with the exterior concrete as previously reported by residents. Management will discuss the issue with Mr. Caputo and remind him of what is expected under the terms of his labor agreement. John Caputo will also be asked to document the days that the landscaping crew is on site.
The Board noted that Reasonable Rate failed to satisfactorily trim several trees throughout the community. Management will notify RRL accordingly.
Although the monthly financial reports were approved, some questions were raised regarding some entries on the general ledger trial balance report. Management will e mail the Board with the comptroller’s responses.
With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Larry Makfinsky, Association Manager
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