Sunday, November 26, 2006


Monday – November 20, 2006

The meeting was held at Borough Hall, Helmetta, NJ and called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Board Members Present: Harry Jones, Iffy Ali, Ron Williamson, Dianda Bender and Debra Milden

Access Property Management:
Larry Makfinsky, Association Manager

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Dianda Bender motioned to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Harry Jones 2nd.

Financial Reports: Harry Jones motioned to approve the monthly financial reports. Debra Milden 2nd.

Old Business:
MOTION: Harry Jones motioned to accept a proposal from Gold Medal Electric to replace the intercom system of building 9 at the cost of $4,100.75. Ron Williamson 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.

New Business:
MOTION: Iffy Ali motioned to approve the draft of the 2007 budget with no increase in monthly assessments. Debra Milden 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.
MOTION: Ron Williamson motioned to accept Wilkin & Guttenplan’s renewal agreement to perform the 2006 and 2007 year-end financial audit at the annual fee of $3600. Dianda Bender 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.
MOTION: Iffy Ali motioned to renew Op-Tek’s contract to maintain and inspect the storm water collection system at the cost of $175 per month. Ron Williamson 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.
MOTION: Ron Williamson motioned to accept a proposal from Demarest Tree Service for gutter cleaning at the cost of $175 per building. Iffy Ali 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.
MOTION: Dianda Bender motioned to accept a proposal from The Gillespie Group to clean the carpets of building 19 at the cost of $325. Iffy Ali 2nd. Motion carried 5:0.

The Board reviewed correspondence from the owner of 1108, requesting that fines charged to the account for installing a window A/C unit be waived. The Board unanimously agreed that the owner is responsible for all fines associated with the violation and denied the request to waive any fines. The Board agreed to waive one $25 late fee charged to the account in April 2006. Other issues noted in his correspondence were commercial vehicle violations and administrative fees charged by management for services relating to condo refinancing. These issues were discussed and the Board’s response will be forwarded to the owner.

In order to more easily secure multiple bids for all projects, the Board requested that management provide a contractor list for items such as painting, roofing, sidewalk repairs, carpeting, etc.
A roof leak was previously reported at #612 and the Board requested that either John Caputo or Larry Makfinsky inspect the interior for damages relating to the roof leak. Although the governing documents do not require the Association to make any repairs to the interior of the units, the Board would like damage reports within 2 days of any reported roof or plumbing related problem to determine what action, if any, the Association will take with regards to interior repairs.

The Board expressed their dissatisfaction with John Caputo’s monthly inspection reports noting that the reports lacked detail and failed to include many items, both interior and exterior, that should have been noted during a routine inspection. The Board requested that Larry Makfinsky periodically accompany John on his inspections to point out what is expected regarding his monthly reports.

The Board reviewed a proposal from Jarrow Construction to replace the roofs of buildings 5 and 6. The Board tabled a decision until additional proposals are submitted.
Jarrow Construction also submitted a proposal to replace skylights in building 27 at the cost of $580 per skylight. This proposal noted that if the skylights are replaced at the time that the roof is replaced, the cost to replace them would be $375 rather than $580. The Board agreed that since the roof of building 27 was recently replaced, the Association would absorb the additional difference in cost to replace the skylights provided that the owners sign an agreement to reimburse the Association for the $375 replacement cost of each skylight before the work begins.

Because meetings are held only every-other month, the Board requested that management forward the monthly legal status reports as they are received.

As was done last year, the Board agreed to distribute a total of $250 for holiday bonuses to vendors such as the cleaner, landscaping foreman and trash collector. John Caputo will receive his usual bonus through management’s payroll department.

The Board agreed to hold the January 2007 meeting at Pepino’s Restaurant in Pelican Plaza on Monday, January 15th at 6:30 p.m.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Larry Makfinsky, Association Manager