Sunday, May 06, 2007


Monday – March 19, 2007
The meeting was held at Café Mario in Helmetta, NJ and called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Board Members Present: Harry Jones, Iffy Ali, Ron Williamson, Dianda Bender and Debra Milden

Access Property Management:
Larry Makfinsky, CMCA

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Ron Williamson motioned to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Harry Jones 2nd.

Financial Reports: Dianda Bender motioned to approve the monthly financial reports with questions. Ron Williamson 2nd. Questions regarding the financial reports will be forwarded to the accounting office in Flemington and a response will be issued to the Board.

New Business:
The storm drain adjacent to building 17 on Heatherwood Drive has become damaged. The Borough of Helmetta has declined to take responsibility for the repairs. The Board requested a legal opinion regarding maintenance responsibility of the storm grates located on Heatherwood Drive.

Reminders regarding dryer vent and chimney inspections have been posted in the foyers of the buildings with the exception of buildings 4 and 29. The Board requested that reminders be distributed to the units within those buildings.

The Board noted that RRL failed to respond to Iffy Ali regarding landscaping questions raised during the December 2006 walk-through site-inspection. RRL will be reminded that a response is expected within the week.

Iffy Ali requested a copy of the Public Offering Statement that includes the Master Deed and By-Laws. Dianda Bender volunteered to scan the document and provide the Board members with copies. Management will supply Dianda with an un-bound copy.

The recent repairs to the plumbing system at 2701 were discussed. The owner’s response to the Association’s request for reimbursement was unwillingness to pay for the expenses incurred. The Board approved the letter drafted by the Association’s attorney advising the owner that the Association is entitled to reimbursement.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

The next meeting will be open to the Membership and will be held at Borough Hall on Monday, May 21, 2007. The closed session will begin at 6:30. The open session will be from 7:15 to 8:00 p.m. Presentation of the 2006 year-end financial audit draft will commence at the conclusion of the open session.